Wednesday, September 16, 2009

excuse me...i mean president carter... man did you start some must have known that the biggest curse word in the american english vocabulary is do know that is just a social myth this great melting pot we live in, everyone is respected for their own individual value and no one is ever mistreated or discounted due to their ethnic or religious backgrounds (cou-bullshit-gh)...i love this country and not just because it has a black president...i also loved it when i was smashing sno-cones under reagan, rocking cross colours under the first bush, shooting jumpers over clinton and buying expensive club liquor under bush the sequel...baaallin...but as american's, we must understand that as wonderful as our country is, it still has its flaws...some of which have gotten a lot better over time...but it is ok to discuss those flaws from time to time...bring them up if for nothing more than to remind us that we still have some things to work on...nothing is great all the time...i mean even beyonce gets morning breath...don't ask me how i know...

but it really is funny to me how the first people to jump up and discount the impact racism still has in our society are those least likely to have ever encountered it...i don't know if rep wilson is racist...i do know that he stood in support of keeping the confederate flag proudly waiving in his home state's capital city...oh yeah but that was about heritage not hate (cou-bullshit-gh...sorry...i think i'm coming down with the truth flu)...i also know that we always let president bush at least get his lies fully pronounced before trying to talk to him about them...dick cheney's "quail" gun kinda saw to just might be time for obama to get a deterrent of his own because nancy pelosi isn’t cutting it…i’m throwing in legarrete blount formerly of the oregon univ football team for first offenses and kimbo slice for repeat offenders…we’ll call it the 2 strike law…i think i just digressed from my i'll just give up on this paragraph...

but seriously…i am in no way stating that criticism of president obama's fiscal policies, new health care plan or choice of ties is based on a disdain for african americans as a whole...a lot of us don't even where ties...but i am saying that proclaiming that "we want our country back" at a health care town hall meeting makes you at best as dumb as box of multicultural rocks (and i don’t mean pop rocks because those were friggin delicious under reagan as well)...and at worst, something a little more sinister...if you have a better plan let's discuss that...let's kill all of that hyperbolic bs and unnecessary fear mongering so the government can get something accomplished for a change...and if you know a better tie designer, send him the link to that website...but if you're just upset because you're sure obama is shipping america over to his real kenyan parents and muslim smoking buddies one brick at a time, please do as the man with the tired donkey...and sit your ass down...that was harsh, i's a gentler plan...i'll scoop doc brown, macgyver, some paper clips, a few bubble gum wrappers and a flux capacitor and we'll build a time machine to take you back to october 13, 2008...the day before you got laid off from the dumb idea factory...or whatever job you had in dumbbutnotracist, s.c....oh and take a piece of kanye's ego with you...he's turning into such a big eh eh eh asshole...i'm just sayin...

now i must run before the business school warden finds out i'm using my computer to both ruin my “brand” and communicate with the outside world...

you know who…